K-Classic Competition

Do not miss this fatastic opportunity to explore a new world to K-Classic Gakok!

The Purpose

This competition is designed to encourage talented ‘non-Korean’ classical singers in the United States of America, who are willing to perform Korean art songs in Korean language. All contestants should be over 18 years old.
이 가곡 경연대회는 비한인 성악가들에게 한국의 예술 가곡 연주 기회를 확대하기 위해 기획된 것입니다.


Korean nationals are not allowed to participate in this competition. And under 18 years old are not allowed to participate in this competition.
한국 국적자는 이 대회에 참가할 수 없습니다. 18세 미만도 이 대회에 참가할 수 없습니다.

Find your song

The contestants should sing 2 songs: one from the "CATEGORY I" list, and another from the "CATEGORY II" list. You can download the music score below.
참가자는 가곡 2곡을 불러야 합니다. 한 곡은 카테고리 I 목록 중에서, 다른 한 곡은 카테고리 II 목록 중에서 선택하면 됩니다. 악보는 이곳에서 다운로드 받으면 됩니다.


The winners will be awarded with $1,000 scholarship each and a great chance to perform with orchestra at the Gas South Theater. ALSO the winners will be candidates to be invited to South Korea to perform!
수상자에게는 1,000달러의 상금과 개스 사우스 극장에서 오케스트라와 협연하는 기회가 주어집니다. 또한 한국에 초대되어 연주할 수 있는 후보가 되기도 합니다!

>> Get Application Form <<

★The contestants should upload their video to Youtube, and must provide the youtube link on the application form.
★참가자는 자신의 연주를 유튜브에 업로드하고, 신청서에 그 유튜브 링크 주소를 반드시 기입해야 함.


- Deadline for Application: 11 PM, Monday, July 22nd, 2024
- Send Application Form & documents to: director.kacf@gmail.com
- Winners Announcement: 9 PM, Monday, July 29th, 2024


- 접수마감: 2024년 7월 22일(월) 오후 11시
- 신청서와 서류들은 이메일로 보내주세요! 보내실 이메일 주소: director.kacf@gmail.com
- 수상자 발표: 2024년 7월 29일(월) 오후 9시


All Winners will perform with Atlanta Sinfonia (cond. Pyeongkang Park) as a main program of the "K-Classic Concert" at 7:00 PM, Sunday, August 17th, 2024 @ Gas South Theater


2명의 수상자는 애틀랜타 신포니아(지휘 박평강)와 함께 오는 2024년 8월 17일(토) 오후 7시에 개스 사우스 극장에서 열리는 "K-Classic Concert"에서 협연하게 됩니다.


The contestants should choose one of the following 3 songs.

봉선화 Balsam(Bongsunhwa)

Lyrics by Hyungjun Kim
composed by Nanpa Hong
Romanized by Dong In Jang
video sample(Ten) video sample(Sop)

사랑 Love(Sarang)

Lyrics by Eunsang Lee
composed by Nanpa Hong
Romanized by Dong In Jang
video sample(Sop)  video sample(Ten)

동무생각 Thinking of an Old Friend


The contestants should choose one of the following songs.

가고파 Nostalgia

Lyrics by Eun Sang Lee
composed by Dong Jin Kim

고향 Hometown

Lyrics by Ji-Yong Jeong
composed by Dong Seon Chae

그리운 금강산 Longing for Mount Geemkang

Lyrics by Sang Eok Han
composed by Young-Sharp Choi

비목 Bimok

Lyrics by Myung Hee Hahn
composed by Ihl Nam Chang

산촌 Mountain Village

Lyrics by Gwang Seok Lee
composed by Du Nam Cho

그네 The Swing

Lyrics by Mal Bong Kim
composed by Su Hyeon Geum

강건너 봄이 오듯 Spring Approaches from across the River

Lyrics by Gil Ja Song
composed by Geung Soo Rim

보리밭 Barley Field

Lyrics by Hwa Mok Bak
composed by Yong Ha Yun

청산에 살리라 To Live in the Green Mountain

Lyrics by Yeon Jun Kim
composed by Yeon Jun Kim

내마음 My Heart

Lyrics by Dong Myeong Kim
composed by Dong Jin Kim

님이 오시는지 Will You Draw Near

Lyrics by Mun Ho Bak
composed by Kyu Hwan Kim

신아리랑 New Arirang

Lyrics by Myeong Mun Yang
composed by Dong Jin Kim

달밤 Moon Night

Lyrics by Tae O Kim
composed by Un Yung La

새타령 Ballad of the Birds

Folk Song
composed by Du Nam Cho

봄이왔네 Spring has Come

Lyrics by Hansu Gong
composed by Dong In Jang

내 맘의 강물 The River of My Heart

Lyrics by Suin Lee
composed by Suin Lee

홍난파의 바이올린 Lanpa Hong's Violin

Lyrics by Seunghwan Lim
composed by Gwibok Sin

얼굴 Face

Lyrics by Bongseok Sim
composed by Gwibok Sin

Do you want to apply K-Classic Competition?

If you want to apply, you should download the application form and fill out and send it via email. And all applicants should upload their video to Youtube, and must provide the youtube link on the application form.

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